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Nutritional Therapy By Marie Dandie READ MORE Marie Dandie Nutritional Therapist ABOUT ME Group Classes Nutritional Therapy in Edinburgh READ MORE Marie Dandie Nutritional Therapist ABOUT ME

Welcome to Unique Nutrition

I am a nutritional therapist based in Edinburgh. I provide nutritional therapy in Edinburgh & West Lothian.

What is Nutritional Therapy?

BANT (British Association for Applied Nutrition & Nutritional Therapy) describes Nutritional Therapy as the application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, peak performance and individual care.

Nutritional therapy is recognised as a complementary medicine and is relevant for individuals with chronic conditions, as well as those looking for support to enhance their health and wellbeing. It is never a replacement for medical advice. Nutritional therapy works in harmony alongside medical and other healthcare professionals involved in your care.

Within the body, different systems operate to perform specific functions, maintaining health. When any system is compromised for a period of time, it may become imbalanced and symptoms can develop. Longer term, one imbalance can lead to another or multiple imbalances within the body, which can be scientifically linked to the development of symptoms and health conditions.

Nutritional therapy involves a detailed case history to enable possible system imbalances to be identified and where necessary, supported, to allow the body the opportunity to re-balance itself. Nutritional therapy can be beneficial to all people.

Contact Marie Dandie for your Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy Services

Nutritional Therapy Consultation

Upon booking your appointment, a welcome pack will be sent to you via email, this includes a comprehensive health questionnaire and a 5 day food diary…

Education – Group Classes

Education – Group Classes

Talks and specialised areas of education are available – these can be customised or are part of a two hour group education class, which cost £20 per person…

Tropic Skincare

Tropic Skincare

I am an Independent Ambassador for Tropic Skin Care

Nutritional Therapy Support

Unique Nutrition is a company specialising in nutritional therapy support in Edinburgh & West Lothian. Each of us is biochemically “Unique”, both in the development of the organ system imbalances experienced, and in how the body facilitates its own healing.


“ My doctor explained that I needed to change my eating, both in habits and ingredients, to avoid additional potential health problems and support the improvement in both my medically diagnosed conditions. He endorsed my consultation with Marie to help me achieve this. Currently, Marie is developing nutritional plans for me. She is very supportive and includes shopping lists, recipes and suitable convenience foods in my plans. I feel that this is supporting me in making the necessary dietary changes.” - William, Edinburgh

“I have experienced digestion problems for years and have tried many ways to solve these, without success. Marie has turned things round for me. By following her straight forward advice, my digestion has improved greatly.” - Tom, East Lothian

“I consulted Marie and found her dietary advice helpful, it was made to suit my lifestyle and I quickly felt the benefit of the changes I made. Many thanks!” - Robert, West Lothian

My Latest News

This is my news and blog section. This is where you will find articles and posts relating to Nutritional Therapy

Professional Standards Authority
College of Naturopatic Medicine
Complimentary & Natural Healthcare Council