07912 061 476

Education – Group Classes

Available Educational Classes

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease”
Thomas Edison

Talks and specialised areas of education are available – these can be customised or are part of a two hour group education class, which cost £20 per person. These include education packs and recipes. Please contact me for further details and availability. Other topics are available, please contact me with requests.

  • Nutrition for Optimum Health
  • Weight Management Support
  • Detox Support
  • Energy Balance Support
  • Blood Sugar Support
  • Muscular Skeletal Support
  • Bone Health Support
  • Digestive Support
  • Immune Boosting Support
  • Hormone Balance Support
  • Stress Management Support
  • Support for Living in a Toxic World
  • Natural Pain Management
  • Pre-conceptual & Fertility Support
  • Child Learning and Behaviour Support

Payment by cash or bank transfer only at present.