07912 061 476

Nutritional Consultation

About Your Nutrition Consultation

Upon booking your appointment, a welcome pack will be sent to you via email, this includes a comprehensive health questionnaire and a 5 day food diary.

You need to complete these forms, send them back, either online or by post. A free 15 minutes phone consultation is available, to ask any questions about nutritional therapy, the structure of a consultation, or to guide you through the form completion.

Your initial appointment will last 90 minutes.  This will be an opportunity for us to discuss your case history and explore the possible causes of what has brought you to me.  I look beyond the symptoms to the root cause, by identifying potential imbalances within your body.

Together we will devise your individualised wellness goals. This plan will be based around food, lifestyle and possible supplementation, if we feel that this is necessary at this time.

You will receive a typed copy of our goals the next working day, this will come together with any support you need including menu planning and recipes. You will then have a record of all of our work that becomes a working plan for you to follow.

Functional testing may be recommended in some cases, and if appropriate to you, these options will be fully discussed during our consultation.

The first follow up appointment is usually scheduled after four weeks, but each client’s journey is individualised and again this will be agreed together.

Follow up appointments usually last 60 minutes.

Skype and telephone consultations are also available, if appropriate to your wellness plan.

Consultation Fees


Price (£)

Adult Initial Consultation60 minutes


Follow up Consultation30 minutes


Follow up Consultation45 minutes


Child (under 16)Depends on case
Payment by cash or bank transfer only.